Software Engineering Laboratory
(Software Development and Testing Laboratory)

SELab (SDTLab)


Chien-Hung Liu


MS in Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Texas at Arlington

Room 1523, Hong-Yue technology Research Building

About us

Software Engineering

Keeping software soft.

People who can write programs often think that they are very good at writing code, but in fact, writing programs does not mean developing software, developing software does not mean designing software, executable software does not mean high-quality software, and ten people develop software together, not equal to ten times the productivity.
Our laboratory specializes in "software engineering", the purpose is to lead people who can write code to do good software design, practice software engineering practice, become better software developers, and make software easy to expand and maintain , easy to modify and become a real "soft"ware.

Research focus

Software Development

  • App Development
  • HTML5 Application Development
  • Computer Games
  • E-learning
  • Wearable Device App
  • Design Patterns

Software Engineering

  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Agile Process
  • Visual Language
  • Deep Learning Applications for Software Engineering
  • Code Smell and Refactoring

Software Testing

  • Android App Testing
  • Cloud Testing Service
  • Web App and Web Service Testing
  • GUI Testing
  • Game Testing
  • IoT Testing

Research project

Responsive image

Group Photo



Group Meeting

Date Reporter Title

Freshmen area

You have the chance to join our laboratory if you complete the first assignment of the POSD course which is given by Professor Liu!

This homework tip will help you.

  • Students in their first year of research should concentrate on their courses. If you would like to participate in a project in the laboratory, that is also possible!
  • When taking the OOAD course, the course project can contact the lab project developed by the seniors.
  • You should begin research in the summer of your first year, report your progress every week to teacher, and gradually finish your own research and thesis.
  • The laboratory holds weekly Group Meetings, and every student is required to attend. Every week, 1-2 people take turns to report a paper and share it with everyone. Winter and summer group meetings will be held as usual.
  • TAs will be assigned to first or second year graduate students (first-year students are preferred), and TA has additional grants.
  • Participate in seminars and publish papers.

We have a laboratory in 1623 on the 16th floor of Hong-Yue technology Research Building. Feel free to talk to seniors!

You can look at this slide first and watch the following demo videos to learn about the research topics done by the seniors in recent years. If you have any questions, please ask during the interview.

  1. ACE demo
  2. AAD demo
  3. JFEED demo
  4. USAGI demo
  5. Vocal Detection demo

To inquire about the interview time, please use email to reach Professor Chien-Hung Liu. The interview takes place in the teacher's laboratory on the 15th floor of Hong-Yue Technology Research Building (behind the Sixth Academic Building). When you attend the interview, please bring your transcripts and entrance exam results (photocopies or website printouts are acceptable). Additionally to the interview with the teacher, the teacher will also provide the contact information of the senior, so you can also interview the senior in the lab.

The content of the master's thesis must be both theoretical and practical, and at least one domestic (or foreign) seminar paper (usually the Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering) must be written.